Colleges are often ranked by their selectivity, which is a school’s admission rate.
One-Stop Admitted Students
Most Selective Colleges with Admission Rates 4%-12%
Amherst College
Barnard College
Bates College
Bowdoin College
Brown University
California Institute of Technology
Claremont McKenna College
Colby College
Columbia University
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Duke University
Harvard College
Johns Hopkins University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Northwestern University
Pomona College
Princeton University
Rice University
Stanford University
Swarthmore College
University of California: Los Angeles
University of Chicago
University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
Vanderbilt University
Williams College
Yale University
One-Stop Admitted Students
Most Selective Colleges with Admission Rates 13%-24%
Boston University
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University
Colgate University
Colorado College
Cooper Union
Davidson College
Emory University
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Georgetown University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Grinnell College
Hamilton College
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
Wellesley College
Middlebury College
New York University
Northeastern University
Pitzer College
Sciences PO
Tufts University
Tulane University
U of California: Berkeley
U of Michigan
U of North Carolina
U of Notre Dame
U of Virginia
Vassar College
Washington and Lee University
Washington University in St. Louis
Wesleyan University
One-Stop Admitted Students
Very Selective Colleges with Admission Rates 25%-35%
Babson College
Boston College
Brandeis University
Bryn Mawr College
California Polytechnic State U: San Luis Obispo
Case Western Reserve University
Denison University
Emerson College
Florida State University
Franklin & Marshall College
Trinity University
University of California: Irvine
University of California: Santa Barbara
University of Miami
University of Richmond
Lafayette College
Lehigh University
Macalester College
Pepperdine University
Rhode Island School of Design
Scripps College
Skidmore College
Smith College
Trinity College
University of Florida
University of Rochester
University of Texas at Austin
Villanova University
Wake Forest University
Wesleyan College
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